Dierenkliniek Westerpark +31 20 - 682 68 19
Dierenkliniek Frederik Hendrikstraat +31 20 - 682 68 19
Dierenkliniek Rembrandtpark +31 20 - 682 68 19

Vacancies and internships

Vacancies and internships


For vacancies, we kindly ask you to contact us.


As an accredited training company, we offer internships for veterinary nurse students. We have a supportive team of veterinarians and veterinary nurses, who will be happy to help you develop your skills and knowledge. You will be at two of our three locations: Westerpark and Rembrandtpark.

If you would like to do an internship with us, then please send your motivational letter and CV to: stage@dierenkliniekamsterdam.nl