Dierenkliniek Westerpark +31 20 - 682 68 19
Dierenkliniek Frederik Hendrikstraat +31 20 - 682 68 19
Dierenkliniek Rembrandtpark +31 20 - 682 68 19



Does your pet require a visit to the dentist? Our experienced veterinary dentists Sarah and Aleksandra will be glad to help you. They perform the dental treatments at the Rembrandtpark and Spaarndammerstraat locations. The safety and wellbeing of your pet are our top priority: we use modern equipment, gas anesthesia and monitoring during the operation of respiration and the heart. Our dental nurses Jurjen, Isabel and Julia have received special training to do this.

  • Why a dental treatment?
  • How does it work?
  • Information for referring veterinarian

Why a dental treatment?

Problems with the teeth in our pets often go unnoticed, but often cause discomfort or pain. Clients often tell us that their pet feels better after a dental treatment. Furthermore, dental treatments are often aimed at preventing problems, by removing tartar and polishing the teeth. If you aren’t sure whether your dog or cat needs dental care, then we can perform a dental checkup. This also happens routinely with the yearly vaccinations.

How does it work?

We would like to explain to you in broad lines how a dental treatment works.

  • In the morning you bring your pet to the clinic. It has to be fasted for at least 8 hours.
  • We admit your pet and perform a pre-anesthetic check. In some cases we might advise to do a pre-anesthetic blood test.
  • Then the patient is anesthetised, using intravenous anesthetics. This is the safest way. We place a tube in the trachea, in order to administer oxygen during the operation.
  • The veterinary dentist assesses each tooth, also by making dental x-rays. Then you will normally receive a phone call to discuss the plan, before it is carried out. If a tooth needs to be extracted, then we give adequate pain medication.
  • The patient goes to the recovery ward after the operation, in order to wake up gently. We continue to monitor heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature. We also give lots of cuddles!

Information for referring veterinarian

If you are a veterinarian who would like to refer a dental patient to us, then we would be glad to assist. Also if you would just like to get our advice. Please send us photos of the teeth, made with your mobile phone. With the mouth closed and lifted lips, of both slides and the front. Our veterinary dentist Sarah works on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

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